Competition Law (Anti-Trust)

We advise and assist clients on their representation before designated authorities. We work with client in preparing reply to exporter – importer questionnaire, working out the pricing, price undertaking, applicability of provisional duty and appeals. Our services include: –

  • Providing Legal Advice and sophisticated insight into the international best practices on competition law.
  • Services on specific issues – supply and distribution, pricing and marketing, promotional materials, mergers, acquisitions, amalgamation, licensing, joint operation and research, joint buying, dominant-firm status etc.
  • Providing Audit and Due Diligence for developing appropriate guidelines for employees, distributors, agents, franchisees etc.
  • Drafting claims, counter-claims, replies, rejoinders, representations etc. on Competition Law and related legal issues.
  • Providing Strategic policing on anti-competition market practices and trends.
  • Providing Legal Due Diligence on anti-competition, unfair and restrictive market practices, and Policy due diligence for mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures with appropriate anti-trust safeguard measures and policy

The firm’s capabilities spun across gamut of services on competition law matters. Representing clients in issues relating to cartelization, dominance, predatory pricing and anti-competitive agreements, combination, mergers and acquisitions.

UKCA scope of services on Competition law includes:

  • Representation before CCI and COMPACT on matters related to combination, abuse of dominance and anti-competitive agreements.
  • Application filings with CCI for combination (merger)
  • Advisory on Competition Law on combination matters including:
  • Acquisition of shares and control.
  • Merger or amalgamation.
  • Assistance in defending client in Investigation by CCI.
  • Drafting of agreement case laws impact of competition laws



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